Jenelle Croatto

Accredited Practicing Dietitian | Accredited Nutritionist

Jenelle is an avid believer in that forming a healthy relationship with food is just as important as eating nutritious food. Her philosophy is simple – Eat minimally processed food, eat mindfully, and eat food you enjoy! She is a foodie at heart.

Peter Barnett

Clinical Psychologist

B Psych (Hons), M Psych (Clin), MAPS, FCCLP After completing his undergraduate psychology degree Peter moved to Goulburn and completed his two-year registration in 2006 with the Goulburn Adult Community Mental Health Team where he was working with clients presenting in crisis with complex needs.

David Guthrey


For appointments – 0419 490 796

Melinda Linton-Bradley


For appointments – 0420 457 330

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